• +91 9947403220         +91 8815312356
      info@shrsedinstitute.in Register for Online Courses

Approval & Accreditations

The SHRSED Institute of Professional Studies is managed Society for Human Resources & Socio-economic Development, a Registered Society (Regn. No.K 10/2010).  The Institute’s academic programmes are managed through a Board of Studies of the Society.  The courses are designed as per the objectives and mandates of the Society and in line with the academic standards set by the Board of Studies to impart skill training to  unemployed youths for Self-employment.

                Registered with Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises, Govt. of India as an Institute of Professional Education.



Training partner of BSSS College(NAAC Re-Accredited, Autonomous College) Bhopal.

              Registered Institution under Skill India Mission, Govt. of India.

Approved Training Centre of National Skill Development Corporation, Govt. of India.


The SHRSED IPS courses are conducted in collaboration with Mistywindvalley Resort, (Ministry of Tourism, Govt. of India accredited)   Illikkal Kallu-Vagamon for practical and in-house training.  The students will get specific Training Certificates from the Industry Collaborator for the practical and in-house training carried out during the course.